10 common commercial solar installation mistakes

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The installation of solar power plants is now improving day by day because solar power is doing an incredible job in renewable energy generation. So here, we are going to discuss 10 common commercial solar installation mistakes. So stick until the end, and you will get a better understanding of this where you can use it in your future works.

1. Not caring about clean measurements

Once you’ve measured twice, you’ve cut once. When installing solar panels on your rooftop, you should adopt the same approach. Many solar panel DIYers buy a kit to discover that their money and time were squandered owing to their lack of competence. Make sure you know exactly what type of solar equipment you need and how much space you have before you start shopping. Take measurements before purchasing essential components such as solar panels, racks, conduits, and wiring. Correctly measuring your rooflines is critical to ensuring that you get the correct equipment and that your permit procedure runs smoothly.

2. Ignoring safety concerns

This is also one of the common commercial solar installation mistakes. Typically, solar panels are installed on a home’s roof. During the installation of solar panels, you run the risk of slipping from your roof or ladder. You’ll need to transfer a lot of equipment to your home’s roof for a DIY solar installation. Some of the equipment is heavy or inconvenient. Solar installers use a variety of safety equipment to comply with country regulations, ranging from ladder straps to body harnesses. Purchasing safety equipment such as harnesses can be costly, especially if they are only used once.

3. leaving the junction boxes open

While this may appear to be a ridiculous warning, it is one that should be taken seriously. The most ignored component of your home’s solar energy system is the junction box. Most DIYers are only concerned with installing the panels and overlook the electrical components that link the panels. The solar junction box serves a simple but vital purpose. It protects all of the electrical wirings in your solar energy system from the elements.

Junction boxes also help to reduce the amount of heat produced by more significant module outputs. In the future, uneven gaps or faulty installation will cause problems. Short circuits and burned junction boxes are expected outcomes of these mishaps. Professional solar installers such as CoolSolar Solutions will wire a solar energy system to endure for decades. However, poorly installed junction boxes will reduce your solar energy system’s lifespan. As a result, they may only last three to eight years.

4. Nuts, bolts, and clamps are over-tightened.

A lack of experience properly tightening the bolts that link your solar energy system is one of the most typical faults we see. Because your system is designed to survive for about 25 years, the majority of connections are made with nuts and bolts, as plastic attachments and adhesives might deteriorate with time. Over-tightening the nuts and bolts that connect your solar panels to the mounting isn’t necessary, and this is one of the common commercial solar installation mistakes.

While tightening the nuts and connectors is necessary, if you over-tighten them against the surface of your solar panels, the solar panels’ frame can easily damage or break. This also applies to your junction box. Because your junction box houses all of your electrical wire, the seals must be secure but not too tight.

5. Not getting quotes from different suppliers.

It’s always a good idea to get many quotations before picking which manufacturer to buy from, regardless of the solar panel style you choose. It’s the same with installation services. While most solar panel installation businesses in Australia are reputable, there are a few bad apples to avoid. Untrustworthy contractors may charge you several times the cost of solar panels and installation. At the end, your attempt to save energy costs you money.

It’s why you should never hire the first solar installation company you come across. Get at least three quotations by shopping around. Examine what each of these service providers has to offer, and see if they take into account things like the type and orientation of your roof, the size of solar panels you’ll need, and installation fees, among other things.

6. Not keeping an eye on the setup of electric appliances.

Many expert electricians struggle to keep the quality and safety of their solar installations up to par. Installing a solar energy system necessitates a great deal of attention to detail to perform the job successfully. According to some audits, even with competent solar contractors, up to 50% of solar installations have been wired incorrectly. When an electrical problem occurs on the top of your home, it is pretty dangerous. In comparison to AC, DC wiring is also more difficult. 

7. Ignoring the Pre-Installation Procedure

Installing DIY solar panels is more complicated than simply going to your local Home Depot, purchasing solar equipment, and placing panels on your roof. You’ll need to draw out engineering plans and apply for permits. You may require building permission, an electrical license, or both from your city or county, depending on the complexity of the work. To connect the solar panel system to the power grid, you’ll need to work with your utility company. Because every solar system Forme Solar Electric installs is connected to the power grid, this is the case. As this is a common commercial solar installation mistake, you need to be careful about this.

Obtaining building permits and utility connection applications can be costly. An expense that most do-it-yourself solar installations are unaware of. These applications are time-consuming to process and frequently require revisions. It takes time and money to contact each entity and fill out the appropriate paperwork.

8. Delaying the installation of solar panels

The decision you make to switch to solar power is a meaningful one with considerable financial ramifications. Because of the installation costs, it’s understandable that some people are hesitant to make the transition. However, the longer you put off making a decision, the more money you will end up losing.

Keep in mind that as the demand for solar energy develops, the price of solar panels will rise in tandem. Furthermore, present tax breaks and refunds may be phased down shortly. It is possible to take advantage of existing financial benefits by installing solar energy today before it is too late. Purchasing Low-Cost Solar Panels

9. Looking for cheapness instead of quality.

You’re probably considering going solar because of the potential financial savings it could provide. Spending less money on the type of solar array you create, on the other hand, is not an area where you should reduce costs. It would be best if you kept in mind that, while acquiring low-priced solar panels will appear like a good deal at first, the short-time savings cost you more money in the long term when you have to replace damaged system components that fail prematurely.

However, this does not imply that you must purchase all of the best solar batteries and disregard little solar cells in favor of larger ones. Unless you’ve become an expert in your own right and know how big a solar panel is best suited for your home, the advice of a professional installation you can trust is priceless. Your chosen company will assist you in determining if large or small solar cells are required, how to install any necessary roof support, and which solar batteries are appropriate for your project.

10. Going to DIY without proper experience.

You may be tempted to install the solar energy system yourself if you are the type of person who enjoys doing things themselves, especially if you perceive it as a way to save money. Do you, however, have any idea how huge a solar panel is? Do you have any idea how much roof support such a panel would require? Do you understand how to wire a solar panel?

If you don’t know the answers to any of these questions, you should hire a professional to install it for you. You don’t need to make a mistake at the installation or with the solar panel wiring since this could result in home damage or energy usage issues. Make sure you acquire many quotations and select a competent contractor to finish the project; choosing someone cheap or a friend or relative with no experience is just as dangerous as doing it yourself.

if you are finding it difficult to select commercial solar panels Call CoolSolar Solution to get a free consultation regarding your solar panel project. We are an experienced and well-reputed solar panel service provider in QLD, Australia. 

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