Top 10 solar panels in Australia

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Installing solar panels is becoming more popular among homeowners who are concerned about growing power prices and who want a system that both reduces their electricity bills and generates cleaner energy. Here we brought you the top 10 solar panels in Australia. You can read this article and get the clearest decision on what solar panel brand best suits your needs.

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels capture the energy of the sun in the form of light and transform it into electricity. However, although the typical consumer may connect solar panels with residential rooftop assembly, solar panels are really used for a variety of applications, including powering individual gadgets, electrical equipment, and car batteries.

In the process of deciding on solar panels for your home or company, one of the most important choices you will have to make is what types of solar panels are the greatest fit for your needs. Solar panels, which are sometimes referred to as solar modules, are not one-size-fits-all in terms of functionality. It is dependent on the particular application that they are selected for.

Factors to check before you buy solar panels

The two variables listed below have a significant impact on the selection of the best solar panels for your circumstance.

The quantity of power used by households on a yearly basis

The greater the amount of energy you use, the greater the amount of solar power you will need to produce. Ideally, you should be able to generate enough energy to balance 100% of the electricity you use. It is beneficial to have a complete year’s worth of energy payments to serve as a reference on your bill so that your system designer can account for variations in-home use patterns from one month to the next.

Your roof’s characteristics

The majority of residential systems are installed on the roof of your house. The tilt, kind, age, and quantity of shade provided by your roof may all have an impact on the number of solar panels you need. In general, it is preferable to have more solar panels installed on the southern side of your roof since this is the side of the roof where the sun shines the most in the northern hemisphere.

Availability in Australia

You need to make sure the brand/ manufacturer you are going to select is available in Australia. In other words, they need to be operational in the country. So there is no need to be concerned with warranty claims, replacements, etc.

The efficiency of the solar panel

Top 10 Solar Panels By Efficiency Coolsolar Solutions
Top 10 solar panels in Australia 2

When we speak about efficiency, we are referring to the relationship between the solar energy that reaches the panel surface and the electrical energy produced by the module (measured in percentage). The conversion efficiency of a solar panel, for example, would be 50% if it collected half the energy contained in the sunshine. According to real-world circumstances, typical solar panels have efficiency ranging from about 15% to slightly more than 21%.

What are the benefits of having high efficiency? In other words, the greater the efficiency of the panel, the more watts of energy you will get per square meter of panel surface area. As a result, the greater the efficiency, the smaller the solar panel must be in order to produce the same amount of electricity, and the less roof area is needed.

High-efficiency panels have the drawback of being more expensive than standard panels. If you have a limited amount of roof space or just want the latest and greatest PV technology, greater efficiency modules are your best option; however, you have to spend a little more on them. Otherwise, as long as the solar panel efficiency is more than 15%, there is no need to be concerned about the conversion rate.

Solar panel quality and warranty

Panels may degrade with time as a result of weather and temperature changes, resulting in less energy being produced. Solar panels lose approximately 1% of their power-generating capability each year. The product warranty offered by a solar business is a good indication of how much the company is ready to stand behind its products. When it comes to solar energy, there are many considerations to consider – performance, quality, and warranty are among the most essential. You should also ensure that you are purchasing the panels from a trustworthy business that will be there to honour its guarantee in the future. Larger companies such as LG, Panasonic, and QCELLS are generally considered to be safe bets and highly bankable.

Compatibility of Solar Panels with Inverters

Solar panels and inverters are the primary components of your solar system, and they work together to produce electricity.

Briefly stated, your solar panels produce Direct Current (DC) energy, which is then “inverted” by your solar panel inverter into Alternating Current (AC) electricity. This is essential since the electrical infrastructure, as well as your household equipment, operate on alternating current.

Some solar panels are only compatible with particular kinds of inverters, while others are compatible with all types of inverters. Your solar panels and inverter must be able to work together like a jigsaw. The kind of system that your house requires, as well as your own personal preferences, will decide which inverters and panels are available for your requirements.

Tier 1 Ranking

It is very obvious that the phrase “Tier 1” is thrown about quite freely and often by many solar sales firms, who use it to promote their solar panels as being of high quality. The reason for this is because they are mistaken in their assumptions. A ranking system known as the Tier 1 ranking scale is administered by Bloomberg New Energy Finance Corporation and is used to evaluate solar panel manufacturers based on their bankability (or financial stability), among other factors.

Check your manufacturer’s Tier 1 rating, if one is available, to ensure that you are getting the best deal. In terms of after-sales service and warranty, this would be a positive sign.

Top 10 solar panels brands we found in Australia in 2022

1. Jinko Solar solar panels

Jinko’s tale is one of dedication and perseverance. From its inception in 2006 to 2016, the business grew to become the world’s biggest producer of solar panels in less than a decade. It began by “playing it safe,” using well-tested and proven technology, such as half-cut cells, but quickly progressed to include novel methods and designs, which are now represented by the new Tiger series. Jinko offers a solar panel for any need or desire you may have. Generally speaking, there are four major categories, which are split into many series.

  1. Tiger Series, Mono N-type
  2. Eagle Series, Poly
  3. Cheetah Series, Mono PERC
  4. Swan Series, Bifacial

Pros and cons of Jinko solar panels

Customer service that is second to noneA bit expensive price tag for the range of their products.
Results that are exceptional in terms of efficiency and performance.Some people have been informed they were uncomfortable with warranty claims.
The resistance is minimized via the use of multiple busbars.
Warranty for a long period of time.

2. LG solar panels

LG has a long history in solar panel production and has proved to be a leader in the sector, producing some of the best-performing and highest-quality solar panels available anywhere in the globe. In contrast to the majority of other manufacturers, LG uses higher-cost, premium N-type silicon cells on the popular Neon R, Neon 2 and the new Neon H panels, which improve efficiency and increase lifespan by significantly reducing LID, or light-induced degradation, over the course of their lifetime.

Pros and cons of LG solar panels

Customer service that is friendly and supportive.Prices that are higher in comparison to the competitors, particularly in Australia.
Excellent reputation for the business.
Products of the highest quality.
Excellent warranty contract, both in terms of goods and in terms of performance.

3. Q Cells solar panels

Q Cells was founded in Germany and is now headquartered in Seoul. PVEL’s independent testing has consistently shown that although the business is not renowned for creating the most energy-efficient panels, they are usually highly dependable and have consistently performed well in the independent tests. Q Cells is well-known for producing excellent mid-range to high-end solar panels that are based on established solar cell technology. 

The Q Cells company has also recently introduced an innovative home energy storage system that is built on a unique modular architecture that is based on the highly acclaimed Samsung lithium cells. However, although the system has a built-in backup capacity, it is not intended for immediate backup or off-grid operation, as some of its rivals are.

Pros and Cons of Q Cells solar panels

Categorized in Tier 1 list.A bit expensive price tag for the range of their products.
One of the finest solar panels available, with a high level of reliability.
Exceptional performance can be expected for over 25 years.
Worry-free warranty and maintenance.

4. LONGi solar panels

LONGi Solar is a leading producer of monocrystalline solar panels that are reliable, technologically sophisticated, and cost-effective. The business, which was founded in 2000 AD and has its headquarters in China. LONGI panels constantly innovating cell technology via extensive research and development, as well as manufacturing their modules. LONGi contributes to roughly a quarter of the global demand for solar panels and has the largest market capitalization of any solar technology business in the sector.

Pros and cons of LONGi solar panels

Has a maximum panel efficiency rating of over 19%Solar panels have a high degradation rate compared to their competitors.
Customer service is available all around the world, including in Australia.
Tier 1 ranked company.

5. Hyundai Solar Panels

The Hyundai Group was established in South Korea in 1947 as a construction firm, and it has since grown to include a number of other businesses. One of those divisions, and perhaps the most well-known, is concerned with automobiles (the Hyundai Motor Group), which was established in 2000. But it does not end there; as previously said, the business has a number of branches in a variety of industries. The Hyundai Heavy Industries Group was founded in 1974 as a shipbuilding business, and in 2002 AD, it was fully separated from the parent corporation, Hyundai Heavy Industries. (HHI)

The HHI is divided into four main business divisions and five non-core business divisions, among which we find, lastly, the subsidiary that is involved in Electric and Energy Systems and Green Energy, among other things. Hyundai Green established a network for the manufacturing and distribution of solar panels, which currently includes more than 72 wholesalers in more than 20 countries across the globe, according to the company resources.

Pros and cons of Hyundai solar panels

Hyundai solar panels are suitable for use in any environment, including harsh environments such as deserts, coastlines, and saline environments.Hyundai’s product warranty has less time period compared to other competitors, covering just 10 to 12 years from the date of purchase.
Various series and models are available to meet the needs and preferences of every consumer.
Excellent customer service.

6. REC solar panels

Solar cells and materials for photovoltaic applications, as well as wafers, were first produced by the Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) in Norway, which was established in 1996 AD by a group of entrepreneurs. A worrisome aspect of the company’s history is that in 2011, due to adverse market circumstances, it was forced to close all of its solar cell manufacturing facilities in Norway. As a result, the business relocated its headquarters to Singapore, where it now operates one of the world’s largest solar panel manufacturing facilities.

Pros and cons of REC solar panels

Perfect for those who live in foggy regions and wish to install a solar panel in their home, but it can also be used in solar power plants and commercial structures.Expensive price tag. Not suitable for budget solar projects.
A highly forward-thinking business, with novel designs and solar panel series.
Customer assistance that is fast and supportive.
Available in Australia.

7. Trina solar panels

Trina Solar is a Chinese firm with a vertically integrated business model that was established in 1997 and has its headquarters in the city of Changzhou. It is a leader in the photovoltaic business, and it produces and distributes PV products in addition to serving as a leading researcher in the area of solar energy technology. They are one of the oldest Chinese solar panel businesses, and they are also one of the biggest producers in the world, with over 50 GW of panels expected to be delivered by the end of 2020.

Pros and cons of Trina solar panels

The pricing is very reasonable for the high level of quality you get.Some consumers have reported performance and efficiency issues.
Commitment to long-term sustainability as well as customer service.

8. SunPower solar panels

As a brand, SunPower was founded in the 1970s and has since been a pioneer in the fields of photovoltaic cells and solar panels. Based in the United States, the company’s origins may be traced back to a Stanford University innovation, the all-back contact solar cell, which was created in a lab before becoming the original concept that resulted in the establishment of the organization.

Pros and cons of SunPower solar panels

Excellent warranty, one of the best available, which ensures continued excellent performance and power output levels for decades to come.Because you are paying for quality, the price is acceptable, but it is still a little too expensive for many people, who would like to look at some more affordable alternatives instead.
It is ideal for use in compact areas when the greatest possible power output is required to function properly.SunPower solar panels are not widely available in areas outside of the United States and Western Europe, therefore you may have difficulty finding them for sale in Asian nations or Australia.

9. Panasonic Solar Panels

When Panasonic was established in 1918, it was considered a pioneer in the field of technology, electronics, and appliances. Panasonic is today one of the world’s top businesses in these fields. Photovoltaic and solar energy technologies have been developed by it since 1975.

Panasonic has been in the solar energy market for approximately 50 years, constantly researching and developing new ideas, and is dedicated to the mission of creating “a better life and a better world” through the evolution of society. Panasonic is a high-quality guarantor, having been on the market for approximately 50 years, constantly researching and developing new ideas.

Pros and cons of Panasonic solar panels

Considering Panasonic’s extensive technological expertise, which spans over a century in the world of technology and many decades in the area of photovoltaic cells and solar panels, in particular, the business is one that should be relied upon.The business stated that it will be discontinuing all operations in the manufacturing of solar panels, with a goal of fully stopping operations by 2022.
When we take into account the quality, efficiency, and performance of the materials, the pricing is very competitive.Performance levels are high, but they would need to be raised to keep up with the competition.
A very high minimum production warranty of 90% for the first 10 years, and an 80% warranty after that.

10. Huawei solar panels

As one of the most successful Chinese businesses, Huawei has set its sights on the whole globe, and it is succeeding in the area of solar energy, this is also true nowadays. Our comprehensive evaluation of their solar solutions, which has been updated for 2021, will inform you of all the major advantages and disadvantages, as well as their key features, of buying some of their solar inverters or just being inquisitive about the reasons for their success.

Pros and cons of Hauwei solar panels

You may be able to use certain inverters to perform conventional string inverter functions while others can be used in conjunction with complete panel optimization or just with partial optimizers.Although the warranty period is established at the industry norm of 10 years, this is still a very short period when compared to other businesses.
FusionSolar is a new monitoring app. With a better-designed interface and more data recording capabilities, it significantly outperforms the previous NetEco in terms of providing you with the ability to monitor and manage production at each panel of your system.
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